Achievement of relevant and high quality skills and competences.

Digital technologies are one of the defining elements of contemporary working and social life and it is a commonly held belief among students that familiarity equates to proficiency. But this is erroneous: many students graduate without ever using the technologies and software required on a daily basis in contemporary offices, and they also lack the critical thinking and problem solving skills that enable their effective use.

The Digital Skills Accelerator project aims to put students in the driving seat of their own skills development. The goal of the project is clear: define the digital skills that should be prioritized by current and future cohorts of Higher Education students, and create a self-directed multi-media learning system that students can access to bolster their skills in specific areas.

In order to achieve this goal, we will:

  • Enable knowledge sharing among key stakeholders to produce a DIGITAL SKILLS REPORT identifying the most valuable digital skills required professionally (in the workplace) and for civic engagement.
  • Create an ONLINE SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL enabling students to identify their digital skills’ profile and map a personalized learning pathway.
  • Develop the ESSENTIAL DIGITAL SKILLS TOOLKIT, an open, online modular training course allowing students to update their skills in the key areas.
  • Rigorously test and optimize the resources before disseminating them widely to ensure strong use among the target groups.


This project directly addresses many of the aspects of supporting the effective integration of ICTs into our HE ecosystem. It is supportive of digital skills enhancement in CONTENT (the skills developed) and DELIVERY METHOD, since all the outputs will be accessed by learners as interactive online resources.

Our Essential Digital Skills Toolkit provide students with these skills, grouped into three main areas in line with the EU Digital Competence Framework: